
Touken Ranbu, Ayakashi Romance Reborn, Ensemble Stars, Helios Rising Heroes, Punishing: Gray Raven, Promise of Wizards, Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, Lovebrush Chronicles, Wuthering WavesPast: Haikyuu, Gintama, Sword Art Online, AKB0048, Assassination Classroom, Toradora, Love Live!, Yowamushi Pedal, Dragon Raja, Love Live!Other fandoms can be discussed, but I would need some research! Appreciated if you could give me reference (no extra fee if you can't!)

orifics. fanfics. yumefics. angst. action. historical. BL/GL/Straight. songfic. slight gore.
mystery. horror. omegaverse. aboverse.

Kinks for NSFW fics are negotiable. Hit me on DM to discuss what I can and can't write!

Terms and Condition

Slot... Slot tidak terbatas, namun hanya ada antrian. Klien akan dikabari jika sudah mulai gilirannya.Slot... Slots are not limited, but there is only a queue. Clients will be notified when it is their turn.
Pengerjaan... Pengerjaan 1-2 minggu tergantung antrian dan keadaan RL, terhitung dari giliran klien dimulai (ketika klien dikabari bahwa komisi akan dimulai).Working time... 1-2 weeks depending on the queue and RL situation, starting from the client's turn (when the client is notified that the commission will start).
Narasi... Komisi berbentuk narasi akan dikirimkan dalam bentuk PDF dengan watermark. Klien dapat meminta untuk menghilangkan watermark atau diganti ke bentuk lain (writeas, medium, gdocs) ketika hasil komisi sudah fiks dan sudah dibayar.Narration... Narrative commissions will be sent in PDF form with a watermark. Clients can request to remove the watermark or change to another form (writeas, medium, gdocs) when the commission result is fixed and has been paid.
Socmed Fic... Komisi berbentuk socmed fic akan diunggah di akun komisi (@akikommission di X/Twitter).Socmed Fic... Commissions in the form of socmed fic will be uploaded on the commission account (@akikommission on X/Twitter).
Revisi... Revisi maksimal 3 kali, termasuk major dan minor. Lebih dari itu akan dikenakan biaya tambahan. evisi narasi dilakukan ketika draft pertama telah dikirimkan. Revisi socmed fic dilakukan ketika diberi layout (tidak ada revisi ketika sudah berbentuk foto).Form... Maximum 3 revisions, including major and minor. More than that will incur additional fees. Narrative revision is done when the first draft has been submitted. Socmed fic revision is done when given a layout (no revisions when it is already in picture form).
Pembayaran... Pembayaran dilakukan setelah komisi sudah final. Komisi berbentuk narasi dibayar sesuai maksimal kata yang sudah ditentukan di awal diskusi (toleransi 500 words). Komisi berbentuk socmed fic dibayar sesuai jumlah gambar sebelum diunggah ke akun komisi.Payment... Payment is made after the commission has been finalized. Narrative commissions are paid according to the maximum words specified at the beginning of the discussion (500 words tolerance). Commissions in the form of socmed fic are paid according to the number of images before uploading to the commission account.
Rush... Untuk pesanan rush dengan deadline H-5 sebelum deadline atau lebih cepat, akan dikenakan rush fee seharga rate ditambah extra fee mulai dari Rp15.000 untuk melompati 4 slot, dan penambahan Rp500 per slot yang dilompati.Rush... For rush orders with a deadline of D-5 before the deadline or sooner, a rush fee will be charged at the rate plus an extra fee starting from IDR15.000 for skipping 4 slots, and an additional IDR500 per skipped slot.
Batasan... Hasil komisi dilarang untuk diperjualbelikan sebagai komersil atau diklaim buatan sendiri. Untuk komersil akan dikenakan biaya 3x lipat rate. Mohon pula sertakan kredit dengan benar.Boundary... Commission results are prohibited for commercial use or claimed as yours. Commercial use will be charged at 3x the rate. Please also include credit correctly.
Bahasa... Klien bisa memilih bahasa antara bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris.Language... Clients can choose between Indonesian and English.
Referensi... Klien diharapkan memberi penjelasan sedetail mungkin mengenai OC (dan worldbuilding jika orific) dan hubungannya dengan karakter yang muncul. Referensi untuk fandom yang tidak tertera tidak diwajibkan.Fandom... Clients are expected to provide as much detail as possible about the OC (and worldbuilding if orific) and its relationship to the characters that appear. References to fandoms not listed are not required.
Hasil... Hasil komisi akan dijadikan sample di Gdrive, kecuali klien tidak mengizinkan (please let me know!)Result... Commission results will be used as sampled in the Gdrive, unless the client does not allow (please let me know!).
Hak... Saya berhak menolak permintaan jika saya tidak bisa menyanggupi komisi klien.Rights... I reserve the right to decline a request if I cannot fulfill the client's commission.
Pertanyaan... Pertanyaan dapat ditanyakan melalui DM media sosial manapun (Twitter, LINE, Discord, Instagram). Untuk Twitter, dimohon untuk mention setelah DM.Question... Questions can be asked through any social media DM (Twitter, LINE, Discord, Instagram). For Twitter, please mention after the DM.